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Тренировочное задание А8-А14

  1. A8 According to Mr Nixon, science subjects are likely to appeal to ...
    boys and girls.

  2. A9 Mr. Nixon says that if boys don\'t like a subject, they say it is ...
    too difficult.
    more suitable for girls.

  3. A10 According to Mr. Nixon, boys would learn better from stories if ...
    they were kind of stories they liked reading.
    the teachers explained the benefits to them.
    they were forced to read them.

  4. A11 Mr. Nixon thinks that when boys use computers to do something ...
    they only do the job they have been given.
    they are likely to damage them.
    they will learn other things as well.

  5. A12 According to Mr. Nixon, the sentence, "We know she loves him" was probably written by ...
    a boy.
    a girl.
    a man.

  6. A13 Mr. Nixon says that girls are better at writing about science ...
    because they are harder.
    even if they don\'t like it.
    because they enjoy the subject.

  7. A14 According to Mr. Nixon, students who wrote articles for a magazine did well because they ...
    enjoyed reading them afterwards.
    had help from their teacher.
    were not under pressure from school.


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